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Five Secrets of High Adsense Earning Web Sites
Five Secrets of High Adsense Earning Web Sites
Everyone wants to get on the AdSense bandwagon. Many people see it as
a quick and easy way to make money on the Internet. The good thing is
that you really can make money via AdSense. Heck, I have a decent side
income via AdSense running on HTNet.
However, I'll be the first to admit that my earning per click is
pretty low because HTNet is not really optimised for high AdSense
earnings. By optimised I don't mean ad placements or things considered
technical. I've observed over a couple of years that it's the more
simpler things that differenciate the high AdSense income web sites
with the wannabes.
In this post, I'm going to share with you the Five Secrets that you
can use to create a high AdSense earning web site.
1) Focus on Non Tech-Savvy Audience
This is the main reason why HTNet is doomed to AdSense mediocrity! I
mostly write on tech-centric stuff. If you really want to make a lot
from AdSense, do not take my chosen path! I couldn't stress this
Instead, focus your content on anything non-technology related. Highly
recommended topics will be covered in Point 2, but for now let me
state the reasons on why you shouldn't cater to the more
technologically savvy reading population:
* Geeks can smell an ad from a thousand miles away
* Most of them use Firefox and swear by the almighty powers of the
AdBlock extension
* There are literally thousands other tech web sites which will be
more trusted by the geeks and can deliver 0-day tech news far faster
than you
If you're planning to start a tech-centric web site or blog with the
intention of making the AdSense ads on it supply you with the main
source of income for your planned early retirement; axe the plan now
or regret it for the rest of your life.
You have been warned ;)
2) Let Legal And/Or Medical Topics Be Your Main Content
Let's face it, lawyers and doctors are among the highest paid
professionals. Therefore, it's only logical that people would avoid
getting their expert advice because most people are cheapskates.
Guess where they head to for what they assumed to be the next best
thing? The Internet of course! From legal advice to Mesothelioma
information, a huge majority of people choose to seek information from
the millions of pages of unverified raw data rather than the
professionals who are only a five minute drive away.
These people, my soon to be AdSense millionaire friends, are the
people you should be targeting.
The process is pretty simple, grab some generally known information
about your chosen topic, perform some minor edits, add your own
opinions or experience about the topic and republish them! Some useful
resources you can use in your arsenal for AdSense millions include:
* Wikipedia: Always plenty of medical info and law acts for your reference
* Google BlogSearch: Useful for finding out what others are
writing about your chosen topics
* Answers.com: Check out their Health and Legal sections for
inspiration and resources
For an idea of how much advertisers are paying per click on your
selected topics, you should use the AdWords Keyword tool to check out
its rates. It is an extremely useful tool to help you decide whether a
topic is worth your time and effort.
Please note that I do not condone the act of giving unqualified legal
or medical advice. You should position yourself as a bridge between
those who seek information to those who are experts on said
information and nothing more.
3) Have Some Interactivity In Your Web Site
There's nothing that sucks more than an updateless web site. Of
course, you probably wouldn't have enough time to keep a web site
updated constantly on your own. This is where one of the biggest
wonders of the Internet step in; Interactivity.
You should allow your potentially million-dollar earning web site to
interact with those who would be supplying the millions; your
Rather than focus on what you should do, which is a lot, I'd like to
bring your attention to things which you should avoid at all costs in
you effort to provide a gainfully interactive online experience to
your visitors:
1. Compulsory User Registration: Nothing kills the interactivity
spirit more than compulsory registration on a blog or web site which a
visitor might only be visiting once.
2. Members Only Sections: Such sections are useless because it's
not indexable by search engine robots, and thus won't be found by the
casual web surfer. Stuffing your key content in such sections is like
placing your donation box in a room guarded by rottweilers.
3. No Anti-Spam Protection: You wouldn't want your web site to be
bombarded by thousands of automated spam posts that contribute to poor
user experience. Please refrain from manually approving or removing
comments as it wastes your visitors' time as well as yours.
Interactivity provides life to your web sites. Without visitor
participation your site will be seen as dead by most people. Another
plus of having an interactive web site is that your content will
change slightly with every user contribution. This is a vital sign of
life which most search engines put significant weight on.
4) Use Easy To Understand URLs
If you were to be presented by the following links, which will you click:
Most people would prefer the second one because it already gives an
idea of what the link's content would be about.
People don't like suprises, especially on the Internet. A history of
popup-bombs and NSFW links disguised as links to useful information
have made people observe the linked URL much more closely before they
actually click on it. You have one chance of making sure somebody
clicks your link instead of others, especially in a search results
page. Give your web pages the advantage by using meaningful keywords
in its URL instead of some computer-generated nonsense (tech people
call them Dynamic URLs).
Search engines such as Google and Yahoo! love descriptive URLs too.
They tend to rank pages with more meaningful URLs higher than those
with dynamic URLs. This is a no-brainer because the URLs themselves
can be easily matched to a submitted query.
5) Don't Put In Too Much Effort In Building Loyal Readership
Yes, this is possibly the most controversial of my list of secrets of
high AdSense earning web sites. Nevertheless, this is the most highly
guarded secret in this list.
Face the fact, familiarity leads to ad blindness. Regular visitors to
your web site can easily distinguish between the main content and
advertisements. After a while, they automatically adjust their reading
behaviour to disregard your meticulously placed AdSense ads.
You should accept the fact that your main source of income comes from
those once-off visitors. This is perfectly normal web visiting
behaviour, as I illustrate below:
1. Potential visitor searches for information from search engines
2. Search engines list your web page as one of the results
3. Potential is converted into an actual visitor when he clicks your link
4. You have 30 seconds maximum to convince the visitor that he can
find what he's looking for in your web page
5. Once the user is hooked, let him feel the pain of not having the
information he's looking for
6. Relieve the pain by offering potential solutions in the form of
well-placed ads
7. User clicks on the ad hoping for the magic formula to cure his pain
I did not discover this method or made it up. It's a well known method
used by marketing professionals. However, it's more easily said than
done. The key to effectively execute the Let Potential Customers Feel
The Pain and then Relieve It method is to practise.
It is advised that you learn from the experts in writing content that
hits home. I highly recommend Copyblogger as a resource for writing
effectively. I find the article, The Five Immutable Laws of Persuasive
Blogging, to be a must-read for anyone wanting to make decent income
through online writing.
[本日志由 小A 于 2007-03-31 09:43 AM 编辑]
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